black cezve coffee pot

Did you know that every day your heart beats about 100,000 times, sending 2,000 gallons of blood through your whole body? An object no bigger than the human fist has the most vital job to keep our blood flowing to other parts of our body and this is why it is so important we always take the time no matter our age to nurture it.

On a yearly basis it is very important that we visit our local Physician for an annual physical. During this checkup the Physician can check your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels and make sure you are maintaining the proper levels needed to have a healthy body and most importantly heart.

Stay Physical! It is extremely important that we no matter our age never stop moving. I urge many I know to fight the urge to lay in bed and sleep all day and to instead get up and move those arms and legs at least fifteen minutes a day whether it is taking a stroll through the local park or cemetery, marching in place while home watching television or engaging in some form of action to get the blood pumping. Eventually, you would want to increase the fifteen minutes to thirty minutes a day and you will find you are feeling much better!

close up of bottle pouring water on glass

The third recommendation is a struggle of mine and that is to drink water. Stay hydrated and keep replenishing your water bottle wherever you go. This is so important to keeping the body properly hydrated and you will find many health benefits to your skin and the way you feel in general by doing this. If you struggle to enjoy water try adding lemon, blueberries, melon or cucumber!

If you want to not only keep your heart healthy but maintain a healthy weight for your body always remember to try and eat your best. Stay away as often as possible from unhealthy foods and reach for fresh and unprocessed foods as often as you can. Try to eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains!

close up photo of cigarette

An obvious tip on keeping your heart healthy is to not smoke. If you are a smoker try cutting back on your smoking intake each day by slowly decreasing the amount of cigarettes consumed. Quitting smoking can be very hard but the benefits and evidence even after a few months of quitting can be powerful to see. Keep a positive attitude which can be hard but always remember only you can maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself!

Treat yourself every once and awhile to a special dessert or indulgence that you enjoy. Stay strong on keeping healthy and do not derail from your ultimate goal but once a week enjoying something special is a great way to reward oneself for all the hard work of caring for the body all week long. If you follow these suggestions you will find not only will you feel better than you do now but the health concerns and risks that you were headed towards in the past are now less and you can enjoy life without constant fear.


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